So, I look and see the reality's April!! I felt as if I had waited so long for spring, what with all the snow, and now March--usually the month that feels the longest--is gone, everything is growing, and I am woefully behind in all my projects! The pace of days has moved so quickly, I was even surprised by my amaryllis, which had popped into bloom without my notice of even the buds! Shame, shame on me for sure....but the plant is forgiving and bloomed the pleasure of both enormous flowers and the beauty blends of pink, white, and green....just superb.
I've had the pleasure as well of seeing some other images on Dropped Stitches....such wonderful photos Erin Wallace adds to her blog, along with her very honest prose. Check out the site and the tremendous "eye-candy" this talented photographer and stitcher gives her viewers....
Back to that project-confession. I've joined the ranks of those who learn making a gauge swatch is---REALLY IT IS--the best path. Just a week or so ago, I started a sweater for Daughter #3--couldn't resist either the pattern or some perfect merino I found at Knit Picks. Knitting continental style has helped ease my tight hold, so I confidently went into mode, casting on and knitting away, ignoring that little voice that said, " better check...." Now about 3 inches into the sweater's form, I measured....and I'm about 1/2 inch on the gauge measurements....which translates into about 2 and 1/2 inches on the final measurement....which means--yes, I know--it won't fit in the end.
Yes, I'm frogging it and starting over.....yes, I'm going to knit the swatch on needles a size up.....and yes, I've learned my lesson.
Please tell me I'm in good company......!!!! And any advice, other than what I've already learned about swatch samples, would be delightful!!!