My granddaughter has a penchant for ghost the tender age of seven, she relishes a good scary story, hanging on every turn--excitedly anticipating what could happen--and being a keen critic at the same time. Don't try to pull off an insincere or casual twist with this child--she'll call you on it in less than a heartbeat. I'm thankful her mama can tell a good ghost story because that has never been my forte. So when this wonderful child asked me to tell her a good ghost story, I had to admit my failing. I could tell her all kinds of stories about fantastical places or family tales, including the one where her great Viking ancestor married a mermaid (I'm not's why we love water and being in it....really), or even spin a yarn given a set of details, but I don't do ghosts.
It does amaze me, though, at the stories that capture a wide imagination--like the
Hunger Games. This young adult series certainly has appeal in being a "beach read"--easy to pick up and fly through--and I've been more than a little surprised at some of the folks I've found reading the triology, but then a good story has that appeal across age ranges, especially when it holds human struggle against unfair and unmanageable control. That gist of the tale is about all I know at this point, and yes,I'll read them. If anyone has comments, let them fly because I'm a reluctant participant on this one. Of course, I was for
Harry Potter as well, and fell flat into Rowlings we'll see.
In the meantime, back at the homestead, daily events demand much more mundane attention. Spring Break is almost over, a pile of papers to grade still looms, my sock-knitting begs for attention, and few things have been checked off the "got to due" list I made several weeks before. I'll have to admit that the socks are the most tempting, with a wonderful Malabrigo yarn to fiddle into my first pair of socks for me.

They're coming slowly, but they are coming. I was able to figure out the two-at-a-time deal and am thrilled that both socks will have the same tension in them.....that's probably the best outcome of this method for me.....but it does slow progress in the making. I keep telling myself that once I'm done, BOTH socks will be done, so that's the best result. We'll see.....I hope it doesn't take me six months to finish them! Joining
12 Socks in 2012 on
Ravelry has been a great adventure. I'm amazed at the folks that are finishing #11 already!! They must not work outside the home.....and have lovely, patient families that don't mind a constant knitting project in hand.....and who fend for themselves.......and feed the pets.....and don't ask for anything.....that's all I can figure for an answer to how they've done it! Anyway, the group is WONDERFUL and the forum holds so many great sections for advice, troubleshooting, and finished works. I'm just inspired everytime I log on.
Three days to much to there's the real story. I'm hoping that papers AND knitting get the better part of the end result! We'll see.....