Monday, February 27, 2012

Seeing Macro.....Macro Mondays!

Blogs have taught me many things, but two main aspects are 1) how fascinating they can be with so many amazing folks out there posting remarkable things, and 2) how there are never enough hours in the day right now for me to do all I want to do. 

I took a quick jaunt today amongst some of the blogs I'm following and the great images that come into play on Cloudberry inspired me to participate and reflect.  This creative mother of four posts super pics of her home in Troms, Norway and the day-to-day progress she makes in so many areas.  Today is "Macro Mondays" on her blog--and a beautiful close-up shot of some crocheting she's doing.  I clicked on the link and found that Macro Mondays started in 2008 and seems to be sponsored by Lisa at Lisa's Chaos.  What gorgeous images this woman shares as well!  Take a look. 

So here's my contribution to Macro Mondays:

This beautiful Lenten Rose blossom survived the snowfall of last week and the drastic shift we took from degrees in the 60s to the 20s and then back again.  It's spring outside for sure, and this sweet blossom had many companions that now completely fit the season....Lent.  On the backside of these petals is a soft lavendar and green mix--such a gift!

So what's the reflection?  Well, this homing-in on a closeup of detail that may just well go unnoticed highlights the enormous contrast in our social culture today and often in my life.  I am--we all are--surrounded by images, bombarded by details, innundated with information and the day may pass without our being engaged or thoughtful on anything that has presented itself.  I'm really holding the mirror to myself here because it was my daughter and grandson that initiated the moments it took to take this picture. I was outside with them, enjoying the sunshine, listening to their laughter, snapping pics of their fun, and seeing these blossoms--what a gift!  Just the evening before, all my daughters and my son-in-law sat relaxing around the dining room table, full of great food and having great conversation and spirited debate.  Another gift--time enjoyed with sincere exchange.  Let me tell you, that's the stuff life is made of!  The evening passed just as swiftly as will this beautiful bloom--by the next afternoon, my kids were gone back to their homes and the pace of busy days.  I share that pace, and while I long to have more time with them all, I have to remind myself I knew these days were coming--the ones we raised them to meet when they would be building their lives. 

I love this Lenten Rose and it's quiet beauty that reminds me this is the season of life.  Its stems sway gently below a massive maple whose limbs are still bare.  Whether I notice or not, this perennial flower grows and brings beauty.  I believe I need to notice....and more often.  As the days warm, that spot will be a great one to take some reading or knitting and be still for a bit, to listen, to see, to think, to hear the laughter again, and to see the details.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Yay! Snow at last.....and INCHES!

I want to note this disclaimer immediately:  I am not promoting being shameless.  Really, I'm not.....BUT IT SNOWED finally and the results were so absolutely beautiful.  Just watching it come down on Sunday was balm to my heart and mind.  Those sweet little Lenten Roses now sport a tuff of snow that will, I am sure be gone by afternoon, but I hope the rest of the 10+ inches that fell last night will hang around for at least a day or so. 

Snow started drifting down in spits about 10:30 a.m., teasing in starts and stops unttil mid-afternoon.  Then the flakes came in earnest, so big and full, attaching themselves to the limbs of the trees and building all evening. Gorgeous....just simply gorgeous. I went constantly to the doors, staring and listening. The sound of falling snow is peace when it comes so steadily and softly.  What a gift!

And as you can tell, I went out in it, walking under those limbs and laughing at the thought that were it just a tad warmer, I would be covered in snowflakes letting go of their roost.   
This morning the sun made it all simply superb.  I know full well that Nature can have a very different, more menacing side for us humans, but yesterday She gave our little highlands a beautiful gift, and I am very thankful.  Yes, thankful indeed.  We all needed it, person and plant and bird alike.

It's time for that baking.....some pound cake I believe.....and a cup of cocoa to go along with those papers I need to grade.  Somehow that stack doesn't seem as much a burden as it was before the flakes fell.  I know--I'm shameless.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Shameless.....Bring on the Snow.....Pleeeeassseee!

When it comes to snow days, I can be a shameless woman.  I almost wrote "huzzie" instead of "woman" but that would be a bit of overkill...maybe.  It's past the middle of February and we have yet to have the first bit of real snowfall.  Some time back, there was a "skiff"--a tantalizing little blow through that barely topped the grass--green grass that is--that was pushing up all around the yard.   Even today, as I leaped at the weather report, beautiful Lenten Roses are blooming. 

They are gorgeous, but here's the problem:  It's February--not Lent yet--and the temperatures here have been far too warm.  As sweet as the blossoms are, I am really hoping they see flakes tonight and tomorrow.....nice big, white snowflakes that will cover the ground and give me even just one snowday from school.  See....I said I was shameless.  There isn't any student who prays for snow more than I do.

I know as well that this stand of Lenten Roses will bounce back and be just fine with the quick snow we're supposed to have starting in the wee hours tomorrow and continuing through the wee time on Monday.  Bring it on......Bring. It. On!

You see, snowdays give open time to catch up, enjoy an extra cup of coffee or some hot cocoa, stay in one's jammies longer....and longer still, and just have a day to examine and spend outside of the usual schedule.  It's not necessarily free time--but it seems that way, even if I'm working on things at home for school and students.  And all the while I can put something good in the oven, like a pound cake or some good bread, smell up the house with those great aromas, and "putz" around a bit doing first one odd job and then another. 

Maybe it's the unrushedness of the day that makes me so desirous of one or (and most likely) it's the time to think about previous snowdays, when my girls were home and we would glory in all having the day to "veg-out," watch our "Designing Women" tapes--remember that TV sitcom??--and laugh at those crazy Southern, spit-fire women.   What's not to admire?

So bring it on, weather forecaster, and let the heavens open with the glorious white stuff we've missed so much this winter.  I envy Norway and like places in the winter--what a life!