I want to note this disclaimer immediately: I am not promoting being shameless. Really, I'm not.....BUT IT SNOWED finally and the results were so absolutely beautiful. Just watching it come down on Sunday was balm to my heart and mind. Those sweet little Lenten Roses now sport a tuff of snow that will, I am sure be gone by afternoon, but I hope the rest of the 10+ inches that fell last night will hang around for at least a day or so.
Snow started drifting down in spits about 10:30 a.m., teasing in starts and stops unttil mid-afternoon. Then the flakes came in earnest, so big and full, attaching themselves to the limbs of the trees and building all evening. Gorgeous....just simply gorgeous. I went constantly to the doors, staring and listening. The sound of falling snow is peace when it comes so steadily and softly. What a gift!
And as you can tell, I went out in it, walking under those limbs and laughing at the thought that were it just a tad warmer, I would be covered in snowflakes letting go of their roost.
This morning the sun made it all simply superb. I know full well that Nature can have a very different, more menacing side for us humans, but yesterday She gave our little highlands a beautiful gift, and I am very thankful. Yes, thankful indeed. We all needed it, person and plant and bird alike.
It's time for that baking.....some pound cake I believe.....and a cup of cocoa to go along with those papers I need to grade. Somehow that stack doesn't seem as much a burden as it was before the flakes fell. I know--I'm shameless.
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