Monday, February 22, 2010

Inspirations and realities...and more subtle guides....

Amazing, isn't it, what a few glimmers of sunshine will do ?!  With the peeks we got from the Great Star over the weekend, our snow began its slow-melt and some people around here are thinking that the snow storms are over.  I've reminded them of the 10-incher that fell one mid-March and the fact that I may be able yet to say, "That's what you get for thinking."

No matter--nothing could squelch my energized response to get a start on organizing the wealth of patterns I've gathered over the last year or so.  Several folders, packed with these "hopes," stared at me from my desk and one of my knitting bags, so I decided it was time to sort and punch my inspirations.....much to my little German Pincher's curiosity....

She surveyed the scene--all of these funny looking piles of paper--and then decided...well, obviously she had better things to do.....

She patiently occupied herself as I cleaned up my messy attempt at managing all of the free patterns I've gathered over the last couple of years...and the reality check was clear:  I need several more binders to hold all of these many "hopes."

After facing the fact that I needed a trip to the office supply store and it was too late at night for that task, I did what any savvy knitter would do--I started browsing blogs.  Need I say much more, except that there is temptation with every turn I take--well, every click I make.  It was a simple task to take in glorious yarn eye-candy from several great sites.  I've found some wonderful bloggers who post superb pics of both projects and possibilities, and on this particular adventure I spent the rest of the afternoon ooohing and awwing over them, including Javajem's wonderful color combinations and the beautiful lace and honeycombs on brooklyntweed.  

Impasse exists here, though, as I look at even more "starts" I'll need to tuck into my bag.  How can I start another (yet another another) project???  Although I have finished purse #2, now ready for the great felt washing so it can go to Daughter #1, my Baby Bobbi bear--for Grandbaby #2 (Yah!!!!)--sits waiting for attention because I have to secure those #9 double-pointed needles I mentioned in the last post....I can hear the voices saying "You knew there was a reason and that the circular ones wouldn't work all the way." 

I also need some #7s (circular 16 in. and 29 in.) for a sweater I'm dying to start....and the list goes on.  Where's a girl to go to get great needles (I've been favoring wood/bamboo) at a reasonable price?  I can attest to places like Michael's not carrying them--the store carries every other size--but of course the "other" is not the one I need.  Any suggestions would be greatly welcomed as I wrestle what I know so many also juggle--tool need and tool costs!!

In the meantime, I guess I'll just have to start that pair of reading gloves I found on Ravelry (mercy, I  LOVE this site!) that I DO have the needles to make and use a skein of yarn I couldn't resist a couple of weeks ago.....organization and project finishing will have to wait their turns.....I'm dancing into a new reality!

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