Sunday, February 28, 2010

Spring IS coming....right after this next snow....

The saying, "Great Minds run the same course," is an oldie but goodie....and I've often used it as smiling commentary with friend or family when we are generating ideas on the same path.  This past week I've had several "smiling moments" to myself, though, as I take on a task only to find that several others in this blogging world are going that same journey. 

Just a few days ago, I was taking stock of my stash, which by the way is growing, growing, growing, and I had to admit I need to be a very busy woman in the next few weeks....well, months....okay it may take me a year, but then I felt much better as I viewed other blogs where pics of great yarns flowed down the page and honestly, they made me want to go find more.  You folks have to stop that temptation--well, no don't.  There's no harm in dreaming unless it further challenges my monetary resources.

Other "same paths" popped up as well.  We all seem to be having that urge to sort and identify or clean up and make that stash a bit more manageable.  I had already given in to the "must organize books and pattern" bug, and with my realization that that attempt really was laughable at that point, I turned to other starting felted bag #4 for Daughter #1 and dreaming about some nice little felted slippers that had long ago enticed me into buying the book they were in:
Now here's the thing:  I bought Felted Knits by Beverly Galeskas while vacationing in the Outer Banks of North the midst of August.  The image of those softly rounded slippers drew me in, and I'm guessing as much because of the superb photography as my tendency to very chilly feet in the cooler months.  So while it's warming UP toward spring, I'm tempted to give this pattern a try??  Go figure.  

I do love, though, the pattern for the purse that I now have memorized.  The issue of Creative Knitting (Nov 2008) from which this little gem came bears evidence of my effort, with its dog-eared pages and permanent center crease formed by my tucking it into various bags to carry along.  

My Baby Bobbi Bear is waiting for the arrival of some needles I ordered--finally--after looking in every store around that could have possibly had the #9 double points I needed.  Of course, I couldn't order just the #9--heavens, the shipping would have been wasted and the site,, was offering a special know the rest of that story.  I will not need to buy any (ANY!) double point needles in any size for a long time...if ever.  And I suspect that there are some great minds out there that have followed THAT same path as well.  What a comfort!!

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